

  • 加工设备操作
  • 数控设备操作
  • 结构钢焊接  
  • 图纸和焊接符号
  • 学生制作十大赌博靠谱平台
  • 以工作实践为基础的学习 
  • 焊接比赛
  • 管道焊接
  • 机器人焊接编程

Immerse yourself in the highly skilled, highly technical world of welding. 来自金属科学, 连接和切割, you’ll explore a variety of welding techniques and materials professionals use to create and repair everything from bridges and buildings to computers and cellphones. 拥有国内最抢手的技能之一, welding students have nearly endless opportunities for further education and work right out of high school.


  • 解决问题
  • 个人的管理
  • 职业规划          
  • 团队合作
  • 职业道德


  • 大学博览会
  • 工商博览会
  • 实地考察旅行
  • Practice Presentations and Interviews with business and industry members


科技中心模拟了工作世界.  学生 are asked to call or email their teacher for themselves before the start of class in absence situations.  父母 may see absences through PowerSchool and will be notified of excessive absences.


Late work will be handled using through communication with student, 家长, 和老师,同时遵循RTC流程的指导方针. All assignments must be turned in prior to the end of the quarter in which they were assigned. 每个季度的最后截止日期将由导师设定. Any assignments that are not completed by this date will be marked 0 (E). The instructor will set due dates for some assignments during the quarter. 作业在规定的截止日期后交上来, 但是在季度截止日期结束之前, 会被扣分15%吗.

学生 who need to makeup work must communicate with the instructor to setup a plan.


学生 will be provided every reasonable opportunity to show their best work on assessments. 学生 may retake tests as necessary to demonstrate their competency.  学生 may be required to stay after class or come back to KCTC to retake tests under certain circumstances.


To gain the most from this course and encourage good employability readiness, it is strongly recommended that daily attendance and timeliness be observed.  If a student’s tardiness becomes chronic, the RTC process will be used to resolve the problem.  如果学生迟到了, they must go to the front KTC office and sign in before they are able to enter class.


KCTC supports grading practices that are consistent, accurate, meaningful and supportive of learning. 

KCTC成绩以两种方式报告:学期成绩(A), B, C, D, E) and a year-end Certificate identifying a proficiency level on each course standard. 

KCTC每季度(9周)发布一次成绩.  This quarter grade is composed of 70% Technical skills and 30% Career and Employability skills. 

The semester grade is determined by combining the two quarterly grades, 本学期行业评价, 以及课程中嵌入的学术内容.  每个季度占总成绩的45%.  行业评价占等级的10%.  在网上查看成绩时 PowerSchool, it is always important to look at the S1 or S2 grade as the overall in-progress grade for the course.

Technical skill grades are issued on assignments and assessments which represent a total number of points earned.  This total number determines a percentage of points earned and a letter grade is assigned accordingly.  Assignments and assessments in this type of grading are categorized as either formative or summative.  形成性工作指导学习.  总结性学习衡量的是学习的好坏.  总结性工作比形成性工作更重要.  学生 may earn the opportunity to redo or retake summative assignments and assessments. 

学生 will be issued Career and Employability summative scores at least twice per quarter to provide feedback on the skills of professionalism, 倡议, 尊重, 责任与安全.  The combination of these scores will determine the Career and Employability skills grade.

前后测试-有时, students will be asked to complete pre-instruction assessments to aid the teacher in designing learning.  These pre-assessments will be scored, but they will not affect the student grade.  It is important for a student to make their best attempt on a pre-instruction assessment to help the teacher design appropriate instruction. After instruction the student will complete a post-instruction assessment to determine how well they learned the skill.  这将被计分,并将影响学生的成绩. 

另外, scores are issued to students to reflect the proficiency level they have achieved on particular Industry Standards.  The Standards scoring scale: 0 – Not attempted or Minimal Knowledge, 1 -初级熟练程度, 2 -提高熟练程度, 熟练(符合行业标准), 4 -高级精通. 学生 will also be issued a quarterly Standards score (0 – 4) in the Career and Employability skill areas of professionalism, 倡议, 尊重, 责任与安全. 每年年底, students will be issued a Standards score (0 – 4) in the area of career writing proficiency and math proficiency as well.  These scores are reported on the year-end Certificate which is used by employers to assess industry skill levels.


  • 职业取向
  • 焊工的安全和健康
  • 保护金属电弧焊
  • 气体保护金属弧焊
  • 气体钨极电弧焊
  • 手动氧气燃料切割

  • 机械化氧燃料切割
  • 药芯电弧焊
  • 等离子弧切割
  • 空气碳弧切割
  • 绘图和焊接符号
  • 焊接检验与试验



  • 行为准则(合作)由每个班级创建.
  • 学生将参与和配合课堂活动.
  • 学生必须尊重自己、他人和设备.
  • 学生 need to request permission from instructor and sign out before leaving classroom.  一次只能离开一个人.
  • KCTC Responsible Thinking Process is utilized in classroom management.


学生 may have the opportunity to complete an internship or a job shadow during the course.  In addition, job recommendations and placement through student services are possible.


College credit may be offered to students who complete the program with a grade of 84% or higher.  Please speak with your instructor about your plans for college and career.


学生 who complete the Welding program may be eligible to receive high school credit.  For more information on the eligibility requirements and application process, 和你的KCTC或高中辅导员谈谈.  After completing the Welding program the following credits are available:

  • 数学:1/2学分
  • ELA:½学分


OSHA 10小时安全



  • 锅炉制造厂的竞争
  • 螨虫的竞争
  • 费里斯州立大学焊接比赛
  • 马斯基根社区大学焊接比赛



  1. 参与课堂活动
  2. 准时上课
  3. 准备好工作
  4. 自愿做一些额外的任务和活动
  5. 自愿接受工作分配
  6. 示范十大赌博靠谱平台
  7. 发挥你的能力
  8. 与其他同学合作良好
  9. 协助并与导师沟通
  10. 表现出积极的态度



  1. 遵循KCTC制定的政策
  2. 遵守安全规则和期望
  3. 注意周围环境,确保安全
  4. 表现出积极和尊重的态度
  5. 展示积极的领导能力
  6. 要诚实



  1. 旷课时向家庭学校提供证明文件
  2. 遵守KCTC考勤制度
  3. 积极主动地弥补错过的学习机会
  4. 出勤是你成功的关键,只要有可能就出勤



  1. 在允许的情况下不受监督地工作
  2. 管理好自己的时间
  3. 回答你自己的活动
  4. 迅速开始工作
  5. 重新检查、验证或证明工作
  6. 按时完成任务
  7. 正确使用和存放设备和工具
  8. 创建和维护一个安全的工作区域
  9. 节约材料
  10. 对自己的工作表现出自豪感
  11. 关注你的职业目标
  12. 接受反馈




  • 导论与通用焊接探索
  • 检测前
  • 安全规则/问题讲座 & video
  • 第一部分-职业定位


  • 安全操作,实验室设备和手动工具
  • 第2部分-焊工的安全和健康
  • 电气安全组
  • 设备维修视频/讲座
  • SMAW (ARC)介绍信息

周3 - 5

  • 实验室练习
  • 部分3 -保护金属电弧焊

星期4 - 5

  • 数学、卷尺(分数)练习单元1-6(课堂)
  • 实验室练习

星期6 - 7

  • SMAW (ARC)信息 
  • 准备笔试/实验练习
  • 第2部分-焊工的安全和健康


  • 准备SMAW (ARC)练习
  • 性能测试
  • SMAW (ARC)性能测试


  • 完成所有的Arc练习(见实验室的核对表)


  • 氧-乙炔安全
  • 焊枪操作/气焊
  • 部分4 -手动牛津气割
  • 分部5 -机械化含氧气体切割


  • 碳弧评论
  • 数控平面,切割介绍/演示
  • 部分12 -空气碳弧切割
  • 分部10 -等离子弧切割


  • 先进的SMAW (ARC)焊接(v型坡口板3/8”)


  • 数学和十进制1-2单位
  • 开始准备 焊接原理 / or 数学文本


  • 工作探索/实地考察当地工业
  • 大学访问(来自大学的额外演讲嘉宾)

14 - 18周

  • 焊接原理(每天60分钟)


  • 焊接原理阅读数学测试#1


  • 期末考试
  • 为十大赌博靠谱平台执行和十大赌博靠谱平台测试做准备 




星期18 - 23

  • 先进的SMAW焊接实验室练习3/8 V坡口AWS D1.1规范


  • 焊接比赛准备
  • NECCA电动汽车制造
  • 完成焊接原理/数学测试#2


  • 结构形状介绍和测试
  • 简历/就业能力/求职信
  • 生活技能单元1-6 /工作见习


  • 物料清单的介绍和测试


  • 钻孔和攻丝段


  • 钣金练习
  • 数控等离子切割练习
  • 哲学和创造性思维单位

星期24 - 25日

  • 熔化极气体保护焊- (M.I.G)介绍
  • 分部6 -气体保护金属电弧焊


  • 熔化极气体保护焊- (M.I.G)练习 
  • 设备维护/笔试


  • 熔化极气体保护焊- (M.I.G)性能测试(初级)
  • 部分7 -绘图和焊接符号


  • FCAW药芯电弧焊简介
  • 第8部分-药芯电弧焊


  • GTAW气焊给料段
  • 高级AWS D1.1认证测试
  • 部分11 -焊接检验和测试


  • GTAW (T.I.G)焊接介绍
  • 分部9 -气体钨极电弧焊


  • GTAW (T.I.G)焊接练习


  • GTAW (T.I.G)性能测试(入门级)
  • 室内焊接比赛 


  • 实验室准备
  • 补焊练习
  • Review all welding components to (Mastery Level) CNC Plasma cutting units


  • 大学预科文件审查
  • 职业研究
  • 就业能力文件第36周
  • 学期结束